Hello world!

Welcome to ymind.xyz

dedicated to the nature, functions, & features of the MIND  
individual experience, cultural relations,  economic markets
elementary exchange (nature, universe)

   MIND (0): connecting perspectives…

While MIND is experienced by entities like us, it isn’t itself an entity, an it—neither object, event, class of organism, nor simply an abstract idea, being in part at least so directly, personally & intimately experienced. Is there anything at all in the least like it?   

Being by nature inquisitive, we explore what it is, therefore—its essence, functions & features—, using the mind to seek & share insight through a mindful language held in common to better understand ourselves & our world.  

    Y (0): Why Y ?
~~~~~~~dividing & unifying,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~joining & multiplying,
 ~~~~~~~converging & diverging… 

Used as meaningful symbol, letter, & representation, Y‘s entries make clear that its inherent form (along with the meaning-packages ascribed to it in & by various fields & cultures) symbolically mirrors key fundamental features of the mind.   

Yogi (the Yankee) famously quipped, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Our roads are more or less constantly forked & forking, branched & branching, but each fork is also a Y, a confluence where paths connect & flows join, becoming (among other things) parts of networks & greater wholes, across orders of magnitude.     

   0 & 1: center & circumference

In abstract orders explored by the mind, the concepts of 0 & 1 each represent singularities. While each can be taken as representing the whole, the two can also be considered as forks of the Y, making the two together the Yang & Yin of a greater whole–the Tao or way. In that case, the whole might also be called infinity–&/or countless (“non-computational”).  

The may represent either the complete circumference containing all or the measureless hole within. Similarly, the can stand for both the individual & larger unities. In more concrete terms, countless variable relations of mind-body-&-context give rise to all our experience & interpretations.

Affected by all that’s gone before, whether experienced directly & consciously or not, influences shape expectations & condition responses, as do our evolutionary, social & cultural histories, including learned languages & absorbed media.  

   Going forward: time flies like an arrow–fruit flies like a banana

However shaped by past events & focused in the present moment, all our sensations, senses, absorbed impressions & embedded memories flow together facing forward, anticipating events, as the mind is primarily future-oriented in its functions, evaluating choices & responses at countless time-scales–from ball in immediate play, next bite, meal, move, game, series, season, project, deadline, celebration, transition, life-change….

Thought follows intent, accompanies assessment, leads to new perspectives, directions, realizations, discoveries, dimensions of understanding, facets of pondering…, flowing forward even when contemplating the past.

So fare forward, mindful friend, to the “Map & Plan” page & beyond, following thought through its roots in the companion mysteries of embodiment, self & entanglement; form, essence & entity; medium, breath & vehicle; time, space, & imagination….

[Each “room” listed in the menu at the top of the page (above the header image) corresponds with a section of one or more chapters &/or sub-topics of the planned subject as a whole, starting here & with the Map-&-Plan.]